Thursday, April 16, 2020

Earth Day Drawing with Heart

Easy guided drawing of the earth with a heart:

Earth Day Drawing

Here is a guided drawing for Earth day!
All you need is a paper and markers...

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Kandinsky Circles

1913, Color Study. 

Squares with Concentric Circles

This is not actually a painting but a study in colors Kandinsky made.
It is one of Kandinsky’s most recognizable work.
Kandinsky was a Russian born painter who was one of the first abstract artists.
Wassily Kandinsky’s name is pronounced “Vass-Silly Can-Dense-Key.”
Kandinsky claimed to have been able to “hear colors” and “see sounds.” (

I made my own version of “Concentric Circles.”
After looking at Kandinsky’s Circles and then mine, I realized that circles that are oddly shaped actually look more interesting in this “color study.”

To see how to make your own, watch this video from my home studio:


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Welcome Riverwood Families!

Scroll down to see the Nature Rubbings and the Collage videos that Lilly and I created just for you!  We ❤️ and miss you!  It was a pleasure getting to know your children this year! ❤️ Ms. Rogers

Nature Texture Rubbing & Collage Videos

Nature Texture Rubbing
Watch this video to see what we learned about nature texture rubbing. Then, make your own using items you have at home!

See our ideas in this next video for making a collage. What items do you have at home that you can use to create your own collage?